Anchovy Olive Almond Pasta

Even if you don’t like anchovies, don’t discount them as a magical ingredient for amping up the flavors of a pasta dish. You can use them in tomato-based sauces, or as I do here simply with garlic and olive oil. You won’t even know they’re there, but they’ll add so much depth to the dish. I also included almonds for some hearty crunch and olives for some added brininess.


  • 1/2 lb linguine, cooked until firmly al dente
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 5 anchovy filets, chopped
  • 8 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 1 cup mixed olives
  • 1/2 cup almonds, salted and toasted
  • 1 piece of lemon peel (4-inch long, 1-inch wide)
  • 1 piece of orange peel (4-inch long, 1-inch wide)
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • 1 sprig thyme
  • 2 whole dried red chilies
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • grated parmesan cheese

Heat the olive oil on medium. Add the anchovies, garlic, and red pepper flakes. Cook for about 1 minute.

Anchovy Olive Almond Pasta garlic anchovy red pepper flakes

Add the olives, almonds, lemon peel, orange peel, rosemary, thyme, dried chiles, bay leaf, and pepper. Cook another minute, then remove from heat.

Anchovy Olive Almond Pasta olives almonds seasoning

Add the cooked linguine and toss well.

Anchovy Olive Almond Pasta linguine

Top with grated parmesan and serve.

Anchovy Olive Almond Pasta