Chewy Fig Walnut Bars

I’m lucky to have a friend with a giant fig tree in her backyard, and around this time every year I reap the benefits of her fig harvest. One year when I was in the mood for a chewy treat, I made these bars with figs, shredded coconut, and toasted walnuts. Yum! Now I make it whenever I am gifted with a fig bounty.


  • 1 cup + 2 TBSP flour
  • 1 cup + 2 TBSP packed brown sugar
  • 5 TBSP butter
  • 1 cup walnuts, toasted and crushed
  • 1 cup figs, dried (if you’ve got fresh figs like me – just cut them in half, place them cut side down on a plate, microwave for 10 minutes, flip over and microwave another 5 minutes)
  • 1 cup sweetened shredded coconut
  • 1 egg
  • 2 TBSP maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt + more for topping

Pulse 1 cup flour, 2 TBSP brown sugar, and butter in a food processor until the mixture resembles wet sand. Line an 8-inch square baking pan with foil. Grease the foil. Press the flour mixture into the pan and bake at 375 degrees F for 15 minutes.

Chewy Fig Walnut Bars crust

Whisk together the egg, maple syrup, vanilla, salt, and remaining 2 TBSP flour and 1 cup brown sugar.

Chewy Fig Walnut Bars egg sugar flour maple syrup vanilla salt

In a separate bowl, toss together the figs, walnuts, and coconut until evenly distributed. Fold the fig mixture into the egg mixture.

Chewy Fig Walnut Bars add fig walnut coconut

Spread evenly over the baked crust, then bake at 375 degrees F for 20 minutes.

Chewy Fig Walnut Bars bake

Let cool completely. Sprinkle with sea salt. Cut into squares.

Chewy Fig Walnut Bars