Cookbook Club – Texture Over Taste
February’s cookbook was Texture Over Taste by Joshua Weissman. Weissman divided the recipes into 6 texture chapters – Crunchy, Chewy, Aerated, Creamy, Fluid, and Fatty. To explore all the textures we experienced, go to my Cookbook Club site. For now – my dish!
When it comes to brownies, some people like them cakey, some people like them fudgy, and some people like them chewy. I am on team chewy, and am perpetually on the hunt for the best chewy brownie recipe. Since this cookbook is all about texture, I figured these Chewy Fudge Brownies were worth a shot.
I whisked sugar, brown sugar, and melted butter together.

I added eggs, an egg yolk, vanilla, and vegetable oil, then whisked those in.

I stirred in salt, baking soda, and corn starch. This is where the recipe seemed annoyingly particular… 1/8 tsp baking soda (a lot of measuring spoon sets don’t even come with a spoon that small!) and 1 1/4 TBSP corn starch (I’ve never seen a 1/4 TBSP measuring spoon, but that’s 3/4 tsp FYI).

I added flour and cocoa powder, and stirred those in.

I folded in chocolate chips.

I transferred the batter to a lightly sprayed pan and baked for 30 minutes.

Were they the chewiest brownies I’ve ever had? No. Were they tasty? Yes. Was it worth the effort to follow all the particulars of this recipe? Not in my opinion. I’ll keep searching for the ultimate chewy brownie recipe.