Coconut Mango Dessert Soup

I know a dessert soup sounds weird and maybe not that appetizing, but that’s probably because it has a better name that I don’t know. I once had something like this at a Chinese banquet dinner and loved it so much that I went around to all the people who looked like they weren’t eating theirs and asked if I could have it. After years of thinking about that soupy coconut mango dessert, I decided to try to re-create it. I’ve since served my coconut mango dessert soup to many friends, and now they’re all sold on dessert soup.


  • 4 mangoes, peeled and cubed
  • 1 can coconut milk
  • 1 cup almond milk (or more depending on the thickness you prefer)
  • sugar to taste (depends on how sweet your mangoes are)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • haupia a.k.a. coconut pudding (make your own or use a mix – I used Hawaii’s Best Hawaiian Haupia), cut into small cubes

Put mango, coconut milk, almond milk, and vanilla in a blender. Blend until smooth. Add sugar to taste (I’ve used anywhere from no sugar if my mangoes were really good, to about 1/4 cup if my mangoes weren’t very sweet), and more almond milk if you want it thinner, then give it one more quick blend.

Coconut Mango Dessert Soup blend mango vanilla coconut milk almond milk

Pour through a fine mesh strainer to remove any fibrous bits of mango.

Coconut Mango Dessert Soup strain

Serve topped with haupia.

Coconut Mango Dessert Soup