Get Your Grill On

Get Your Grill On spread

When Nelson said he had a brisket that he’d been smoking for 12 hours and would anyone like to come over for a BBQ, we all agreed this seemed like a fine idea. For dinner on a random Wednesday night, I’d say we represented pretty well.


Tim made this stunning fruit platter. I challenge you to cut pineapple prettier than that.

Get Your Grill On pineapple platter

Alyssa made potato salad. Even I thought it was delicious, and I am generally not a potato fan, especially in salad form. Rather than your typical mayonnaise-y potato salad, this had mustard seed and dill and I don’t know what else, but yum!

Get Your Grill On potato salad

Alyssa also made coleslaw. Crunchy and fresh – great accent to the grilled meats.

Get Your Grill On coleslaw

I made pea salad (check out my Guessipe). This is a family favorite and great go-to for any party, especially an outdoor BBQ.

Get Your Grill On pea salad

I also made Asian eggplant to throw on the grill (find my Guessipe here). Super easy crowd-pleaser for a BBQ.

Get Your Grill On grilled eggplant

Robert made beef chuck which was 3 days in a sous vide bath before being finished on the grill before our eyes.

Get Your Grill On sous vide beef chuck

Nelson smoked this brisket for 12 hours prior to our arrival. My mouth is watering right now just remembering the juicy, fatty, crusty goodness.

Get Your Grill On smoked brisket

Anthony made mac n cheese. This creamy delight was topped with a last-minute melt of Gouda that gave it a subtle smokiness.

Get Your Grill On mac n cheese

Colin made this gorgeous sweet potato bread. It was incredibly fluffy and flavorful. I kept eating pieces long after I was full.

Get Your Grill On sweet potato bread


With our crowd, no dinner is complete without dessert. Anthony made a flan cake, and brought seven different types of icing for a build-your-own cake and icing bar.

Get Your Grill On cake and icing bar

Naturally I had to try them all, so I cut my cake into five pieces – chocolate donut icing, caramel, molasses cream and fudge, maple, peanut butter and chocolate ganache.

Get Your Grill On cake and icing