Grilled Asian Eggplant

I love grilled foods, though I have to admit that it is one of the types of cooking I feel a bit timid with. I know it’s applying heat in a way not so dissimilar from the stove, but I suppose it’s not being able to adjust the heat in the same way that makes me nervous. However, since I love eating food from the grill and even love the smoky smell of the grill, I am never one to miss a BBQ and therefore have to have a dish I can contribute. This is a great go-to if you’re BBQ-bashful like me – it’s super easy but people are always asking me for the recipe.


  • 1 Asian eggplant
  • 2 green onions, chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp cumin
  • 3 TBSP sesame oil

Mix together all Topping ingredients. If you do this ahead of time, the flavors meld nicely. Perfect for mixing in a container and bringing with you to a BBQ.

Grilled Asian Eggplant topping

Chop off the top of the eggplant, then cut it in half lengthwise. Score the flesh of the eggplant in a cross-hatch pattern, without cutting through the skin.

Grilled Asian Eggplant scoring

Spread the topping on the eggplant, including all the oil which the eggplant will soak up like a sponge. Put it on the grill skin side down.

Grilled Asian Eggplant grilling

If you cover it with the grill lid or a tented piece of foil for a few minutes, the topping will develop some nice crispy bits. Once the flesh of the eggplant is soft, it’s ready to devour!

Get Your Grill On grilled eggplant