
It’s football season… and that means snacks! Chips and guacamole are always a popular part of the snack lineup. This guacamole is easy to whip up and ever a fan favorite.


  • 1/2 small red onion
  • 2 avocados
  • 1 lime
  • garlic salt and pepper to taste

Mince the red onion and place in a bowl.

Guacamole red onion

Halve the avocados, remove the pits, and scoop the flesh into the bowl.

Guacamole avocado

Squeeze the lime juice onto the avocados.

Guacamole lime juice

Add garlic salt and pepper to taste.

Guacamole garlic salt and pepper

Use a fork to mash the avocado and combine all ingredients.


Serve with tortilla chips. Yum!