Honey Lime Yogurt Dressing

A friend of mine recommended a restaurant to me, raving in particular about a salad she had with an incredible yogurt dressing. I was skeptical that said salad could really have been the star of the show, but the rest of the food she described also sounded quite good, so I decided to give the place a go. The salad did turn out to be fantastic, and when we asked the waitress what was in the dressing, she said she thought it was mostly just yogurt, lime, honey, and pepper. The restaurant has since stopped serving that particular salad, and so I set about recreating the dressing for myself.


  • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • juice of 2 limes
  • 3 TBSP honey
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper
  • salt and pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients.

Honey Lime Yogurt Dressing ingredients

Stir until well combined. Serve over whatever salad you like. It’s delicious used to dress warm kale (just nuke for a minute!) and red grapes.

Honey Lime Yogurt Dressing kale grape salad

You can also use it to make a nice slaw with red cabbage and cilantro.

Honey Lime Yogurt Dressing slaw