Japanese Breakfast Bowl

Apparently Japanese Breakfast Bowls are becoming a thing in LA restaurants these days. They’re basically rice, with some fish and some veggies. I love dinner food for breakfast, so I’ve been making something akin to that at home for a long time! My version is super easy because it’s mostly already prepared ingredients from the Asian market that it’s easy to keep around for when you’re in the mood. It’s more assembling than it is cooking, but that’s fine by me. When you serve it to someone, they’ll never know.


  • 1 cup rice, steamed
  • 1 can fried dace with salted black beans
  • 6 slices sweet pickled radish, halved
  • 1 green onion, diced

Heat the fried dace on the stove until warmed through. Make sure to dump the entire contents of the can into the frying pan – the oil and salted black beans have great flavor. Check out the can – it has Spanish on one side and English on the other, and I bought it at the Asian market – one of the things I love about America!

Japanese Breakfast Bowl fried dace

Cut 6 slices of the pickled radish, then cut the slices in half. Use more if you want. You can buy a pickled radish at the Asian market for about $1 and it’s huge, which means you’ll have lots left over. I like to slice it all up and keep it in a container in the fridge – it’s great to grab a couple slices for a crunchy snack.

Japanese Breakfast Bowl pickled radish

This is enough to make two breakfast bowls. Lay a bed of rice at the bottom of each bowl. Layer the dace and black beans on one side, spread some pickled radish on the other side, and sprinkle green onions in the middle.

Japanese Breakfast Bowl