Lavender Sugar

I was gifted some lavender, which my friend grew and dried herself. I love the scent of lavender and the wonderful fragrance it adds to baked goods, so I was excited to try incorporating it into my baking. The first step was figuring out how to work with it, and after consulting with a chef friend of mine I decided making it into lavender sugar would be a good start.


  • 2 tsp dried lavender
  • 1 cup sugar

Grind the lavender in a food processor until it is chopped into fine pieces.

Lavender Sugar grind lavender

Add half of the sugar and blend until the lavender is finely ground.

Lavender Sugar grind sugar with lavender

Add the rest of the sugar and pulse a couple times to mix everything together. Allow to rest for at least a day before using to let the lavender flavor infuse into the sugar.

Lavender Sugar mix in remaining sugar