Lemon Mousse

Cookbook Club – BraveTart

In July, our Cookbook Club actually had two events, because Anthony organized a bonus dessert pool party (I love that people are so excited about the club that they’re now organizing additional gatherings!). We used BraveTart by Stella Parks, which celebrates classic American desserts. Go to my Cookbook Club site to experience the whole sugar extravaganza. For now – my dish!

I find that you can’t really go wrong with the combination of lemon, sugar, and cream. I’ve also never made mousse before. So I decided to try the Lemon Mousse recipe.

I combined sugar, salt, and cornstarch in a pot, Then whisked in egg yolks, lemon zest, lemon juice, and water.

Lemon Mousse whisk ingredients

I cooked over medium-low heat, whisking gently, until the custard was steaming hot. Then I increased the heat to medium and cooked until the custard thickened. Once it began to bubble sluggishly, I whisked for 2 full minutes.

Lemon Mousse cook custard

I strained the custard through a fine-mesh sieve, using a spatula to push the custard through. Then I refrigerated the custard for 3 hours.

Lemon Mousse strain custard

I whipped together heavy cream, sugar, vanilla, and salt.

Lemon Mousse whipped cream

I removed the custard from the refrigerator, and stirred with a spatula until creamy. Then I folded in the whipped cream mixture.

Lemon Mousse fold whipped cream into custard

I spooned into ramekins, and the lemon mousse was ready to serve! Everyone at the party seemed to enjoy the mousse. I also thought it was tasty, but it probably isn’t a recipe I’ll be making again, as I make a lemon posset which is very similar in flavor, creamy but denser in texture, and most importantly substantially easier to make (find my Guessipe here).

Lemon Mousse