Museum of Ice Cream

Museum of Ice Cream

It’s a museum, dedicated to ice cream. Not only are there yummy installations around every corner, many meant for you to interact and play with, but there are also several treats you actually get to eat! It’s like they built this place just for me. Though lots of other people must have had the same thought, because tickets for this limited time popup shrine to ice cream sold out pretty much immediately. When they extended the run and offered more tickets, those were scooped up instantly as well. Scooped up… Get it? Sorry, it must be the sugar high.

Museum of Ice Cream cin-ful churro

The first treat was a Cin-ful Churro ice cream. Creamy, cinnamon-y goodness, and bonus points for the clever name.

Museum of Ice Cream banana swing

Ah the banana split… such an iconic ice cream dish. I’m not sure what swings have to do with bananas, but they sure are fun to play on.

Museum of Ice Cream mint life

The Mint Life room featured live mint plants with mint chip H2O spray bottles.

Museum of Ice Cream mint chip mochi

And mint chip ice cream in mochi. This was my favorite treat of the trip.

Museum of Ice Cream sweet fun claw game

The sherbet room had a sweet fun claw machine which you could take a free play on. I never saw anyone even get close to winning a prize, so perhaps not as much sweet fun as advertised.

Museum of Ice Cream sundae shoes

Sundae Shoes – I mean, why not? I do love tall lace-up boots, white is my favorite color, and I’ve never said no to ice cream.

Museum of Ice Cream popsicles

The giant melting Popsicles were my favorite visual display.

Museum of Ice Cream giant gummy bears

Rainbows and gummi bears are very on trend right now, though I’m not sure what they have to do with ice cream. Don’t gummi bears get kind of hard from the cold if you use them as a mix-in?

Museum of Ice Cream gummy bears

Though I didn’t complain when they gave me an ice cream scoop full of gummi bears to munch on. They even picked out the colors you asked for!

Museum of Ice Cream black sweets

For those times when you’re just not feeling so colorful, there was a black candy room. Again, I don’t know what they had to do with ice cream, but you got black licorice, chocolate covered malt balls, and chocolate covered cherry gummies. I could have done without the black licorice.

Museum of Ice Cream sprinkle pool

There was a sprinkle pool which you could get into, though they warn you that the sprinkles are plastic so you shouldn’t try to eat them. It’s the ice cream museum version of a ball pit. You wouldn’t think a warning not to eat the sprinkles would be required.

Museum of Ice Cream pancake sandwich

The last treat of the day was a pink pancake ice cream sandwich. The pancake was amazingly spongy, though somewhat bland. I do fully approve of ice cream for breakfast.

Museum of Ice Cream sandwich swing

All the fun and sweets can wear a girl out. Time for a quick nap on the ice cream sandwich swing before heading home.