Orange Creamsicle Ricotta Mousse

My boyfriend loves orange creamsicles, so I decided to try making Orange Creamsicle Ricotta Mousse. When you have super high quality ricotta, it’s really easy to make delicious things. It only involved a few ingredients, but my boyfriend and dinner guests were very impressed by this fancy-seeming dessert.


  • 4 cups ricotta, drained over a fine mesh strainer for at least an hour
  • 1 1/2 cups orange juice
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla

Whip all ingredients in a food processor until smooth and creamy (3-4 minutes).

Orange Creamsicle Ricotta Mousse whip all ingredients

Divide evenly in 8 ramekins. Top with Candied Tangerine Sprinkles.

Orange Creamsicle Ricotta Mousse