With all of the rain we’ve gotten this year, the passion fruit vines are fruiting a second abundant crop! And while processing all this incredible passion fruit, I discovered something fantastic… after straining out the seeds, if you store the passion fruit juice in a container in the fridge for a few days, the pulp will sink to the bottom and leave a layer of what I’m calling “passion fruit water” on top. At first I was spooning this water off and disposing of it, because I was just focused on having the pulp for my Guessipes as I found that this gave them an even richer passion fruit flavor. But then my boyfriend had the idea of using the passion fruit water as a soda flavoring… and now I deeply regret all the passion fruit water that went down the drain.
- 12 oz cold sparkling water
- 4 TBSP passion fruit water
- 6 TBSP simple syrup (I use a simple syrup that is 1 part sugar, 1 part packed brown sugar, 1 part water)
Stir the sparkling water, passion fruit water, and simple syrup together. Serve over ice.