Peach Cheesecake Chunk Ice Cream

When my cheese guy gifted me two huge containers of ricotta, I immediately made 3 Ricotta Cheesecakes. They were pretty rapidly devoured, but that’s a lot of cheesecake, so luckily there were a couple leftover pieces. I’m always on the lookout for ice cream mix-ins, so I secreted the leftovers into the freezer for my next ice cream experiment. I was a bit worried that the cheesecake chunks would freeze too hard, making for icy bits in my ice cream, but they turned out to be a nice hearty mix-in with a rich tanginess that was rounded off nicely with a swirl of peach preserves.


  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 cups cheesecake, frozen and roughly chopped
  • 3/4 cup peach preserves

Whisk together the heavy cream, milk, sugar, vanilla, and salt until the sugar dissolves. Refrigerate for a few hours.

Salted Caramel Praline Ice Cream cream mixture

Churn the chilled cream mixture in an ice cream maker until the ice cream crawls up the sides of the bowl (about 20 minutes). Fold in the cheesecake chunks.

Peach Cheesecake Chunk Ice Cream fold frozen cheesecake chunks into churned cream mixture

Transfer 1/3 of the ice cream to a chilled glass container. Dollop 1/3 of the preserves onto the ice cream. Add another 1/3 of the ice cream and dollop more preserves. Add the rest of the ice cream. Dollop the remainder of the preserves. Swirl with a knife.

Peach Cheesecake Chunk Ice Cream layer ice cream with peach preserves

Press plastic wrap onto the surface of the ice cream, and freeze for at least 4 hours before serving.

Peach Cheesecake Chunk Ice Cream