Pizza Dough Focaccia

Did you know that you can make focaccia using pizza dough? We’ve been doing a lot of pizza parties, but often we end up with leftover dough. It’s a snap to turn that dough into a very snackable rosemary focaccia.


  • pizza dough
  • olive oil
  • flaky sea salt
  • rosemary

Generously oil a baking pan. Coat the dough in more oil and press it into the pan. Use your fingertips to make indentations in the top of the dough. Drizzle on a bit more olive oil (a generous amount of olive oil is the key to good focaccia!) and sprinkle with salt and rosemary.

Pizza Dough Focaccia uncooked

Bake at 450 degrees F until golden brown (about 20 minutes).

Pizza Dough Focaccia