Pizza Party II

Anthony made another batch of his homemade pizza dough and seriously amazing homemade pizza sauce, so it was time for another pizza party (drool over our pizzas from the last party here)! We’re hoping to make this an ongoing regular thing, though this may be the last one for a few months given that we’re headed into the warm season where we’re more likely to be grilling than running our hot ovens inside. Unless of course I can convince someone to build a pizza oven in their backyard, which I’m seriously pushing for 🙂


If you’re going to spend 5 hours consuming large quantities of carbs and cheese, it’s good to have a little green for balance. We had this lovely kale salad to accompany our pizza.

Pizza Party II kale salad


We kicked things off with a prosciutto, artichoke, and olive pizza. People were pretty hungry by the time this pizza came out of the oven, so many slices were snatched up before I even had a chance to take a picture!

Pizza Party II prosciutto artichoke olive

I was inspired by the creativity at our last pizza party, and decided I wanted to try making an Asian pizza. I made a ground turkey stir-fry with soy, hoisin, brown sugar, garlic chili paste, and sesame oil, then topped the pizza with fresh baby bok choy before putting it in the oven. No sauce, just a cheese base. Everyone liked it, though next time – more bok choy!

Pizza Party Asian

This pizza was made using the dough scraps that we’d trimmed off the first two pizzas. So while it wasn’t the prettiest, the combo of bacon and grilled red onion with Anthony’s awesome sauce turned out to be one of my faves of the night.

Pizza Party II bacon red onion

You always gotta have a meat lovers pizza in the mix, so we did this pepperoni, bacon, and mushroom pizza.

Pizza Party II mushroom bacon pepperoni

This was for sure the prettiest of our pizzas, with the red bell pepper, grilled red onion, and prosciutto artfully placed.

Pizza Party II prosciutto red pepper onion

We wrapped things up with a basic traditional pizza – fresh tomatoes, basil, and pepperoni.

Pizza Party II tomato basil pepperoni