Salted Egg Yolk Pumpkin

I ate a fried pumpkin dish in a family-owned Chinese restaurant like 10 years ago and have been dreaming about it ever since. The pumpkin had a salted egg yolk coating that I couldn’t get enough of. So when I saw a package of salted egg yolks at the Asian market, I had to buy it and try to re-create the dish.


  • 1 1/2 lbs pumpkin, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 1 TBSP sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 5 TBSP corn starch
  • 12 salted egg yolks
  • 5 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 Thai chilies, minced
  • peanut oil

Sprinkle the pumpkin with the sugar, salt, and pepper. Toss to coat evenly.

Salted Egg Yolk Pumpkin salt pepper sugar pumpkin

Mash the salted egg yolks and set aside.

Salted Egg Yolk Pumpkin mash egg yolk

Sprinkle the corn starch over the pumpkin and toss to coat evenly.

Salted Egg Yolk Pumpkin cornstarch pumpkin

Shallow fry the pumpkin in peanut oil over medium heat in single layer batches. Set aside on a paper towel-lined plate.

Salted Egg Yolk Pumpkin shallow fry

Stir fry the garlic and Thai chili in a couple tablespoons of peanut oil over medium heat until fragrant.

Salted Egg Yolk Pumpkin stir fry garlic and chili

Add in the salted egg yolks and cook until foam forms.

Salted Egg Yolk Pumpkin add mashed egg yolk

Reduce the heat to low, add in the pumpkin, and toss to coat.

Salted Egg Yolk Pumpkin