Harissa Roasted Broccoli with Molasses Yogurt Dressing

Still on Mission: Molasses. This time I had the idea that a smoky sweet yogurt dressing would be a great complement to spicy roasted broccoli. It turned out even better than I’d hoped. My boyfriend said, “I would eat this over pizza, and I don’t even like broccoli”. Guessipe 1 head of broccoli, cut into…

Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Hot Honey Browned Butter

Cookbook Club – Dining In The book for our March Cookbook Club was Dining In by Alison Roman, which aims to provide simple yet compelling recipes that make you want to cook and eat in. To see everything we dined on, go to my Cookbook Club site. For now – my dish! When I think…

Hummus Honey Salad Dressing

I was at a friend’s for dinner and she made a salad with a really tasty dressing. When I asked her about the dressing, she said it was mostly hummus with a little honey, apple cider vinegar, and some other seasonings. I kept thinking about that dressing for weeks after the dinner, so decided I…

Veggie Bowl with Apple Carrot Dressing

In the last couple years, it seems like “Assemble Your Own Bowl” places have popped up everywhere. It got me thinking that I could buy my own favorite ingredients, whip up a tasty sauce/dressing, and for the price of one restaurant bowl have a large enough quantity to share with friends. My friends immediately declared…

Creamy Broccoli Salad

I love this Creamy Broccoli Salad for a picnic or a day at the beach. It doesn’t have any lettuce to get soggy, and actually gets better with some time soaking in the sweet creamy dressing. It’s got so many layers of flavor and texture, and lots of good for you veggies! Guessipe 1 lb…

Brussels Sprouts Salad

Brussels sprouts have become so trendy that it seems like every restaurant has them on the menu, usually roasted and often with some sort of sweet glaze like balsamic or maple. But I never saw them raw, and began to wonder if you could serve them that way. They do after all resemble tiny cabbages….