Tuscan White Bean and Sausage Soup

Now that I’ve experienced what quick work the Instant Pot can make of cooking beans, I’ve been much more willing to experiment with bean dishes. I ate a white bean and sausage soup years ago that I still remember and think about from time to time, and now finally got around to re-creating. It was…

Anchovy Olive Almond Pasta

Even if you don’t like anchovies, don’t discount them as a magical ingredient for amping up the flavors of a pasta dish. You can use them in tomato-based sauces, or as I do here simply with garlic and olive oil. You won’t even know they’re there, but they’ll add so much depth to the dish….

Split Pea Soup

During this time of year, the holiday ham inevitably makes an appearance. While chowing down on sliced ham has never been my thing, ham is pretty wonderful for making a hearty, warming pot of split pea soup. If you have the ham hock, throw that in too, as it will add great flavor. Otherwise, just…

Spicy Sausage & Mushroom Tomato Sauce Pasta

I adored this spicy sausage and mushroom tomato sauce pasta when I was a kid. My mom always made it with spaghetti noodles, and half the fun was watching my brother eat it. He would suck each individual noodle through his lips, and then eat the sausage and mushrooms later. By the end of the…

Chicken Adobo

One of my best friends when I was young was Filipino. There was always something good cooking in her kitchen. My dad used to joke that he knew when I’d been hanging out at her house because I’d come home smelling like food. That was totally ok with me. I was happy to partake in…