Bludso’s Restaurant Review

Gold Dig #55 When I saw that Jonathan Gold’s 101 Best Restaurants list included a BBQ place in Compton called Bludso’s, I tried several times to convince my vegetarian friend who lives in Compton to go with me. Unsuccessfully. I don’t suppose I can really blame her, given the meat-heavy BBQ menu, but I was…

Treehouse Tastes

If you’ve never stayed in a treehouse, you should do it. Especially if you can go with someone who wants to cook for you! We had six lovely ladies on this weekend getaway, but Zakiya planned and prepared enough awesome home-cooked food for a small army. It also just so happened that the treehouse was…

Odys + Penelope Restaurant Review

Gold Dig #31 Odys + Penelope is a grill and Brazilian churrasco spot. It’s on Jonathan Gold’s 101 Best Restaurants list, and in his review of the restaurant he says “Odys + Penelope I actually love”. It’s a large warehouse space with exposed pipe ceilings, a long bar on one side, and an open kitchen at the…

Get Your Grill On

When Nelson said he had a brisket that he’d been smoking for 12 hours and would anyone like to come over for a BBQ, we all agreed this seemed like a fine idea. For dinner on a random Wednesday night, I’d say we represented pretty well. Dinner Tim made this stunning fruit platter. I challenge…

Grilled Asian Eggplant

I love grilled foods, though I have to admit that it is one of the types of cooking I feel a bit timid with. I know it’s applying heat in a way not so dissimilar from the stove, but I suppose it’s not being able to adjust the heat in the same way that makes…

Park’s BBQ Restaurant Review

Gold Dig #29 Park’s BBQ is one of the Korean restaurants on Jonathan Gold’s 101 Best Restaurants list. I think he likes Korean food almost as much as he likes Thai food, as he often talks about his visits to Koreatown. As you might have guessed from the name, Park’s BBQ does Korean BBQ, where your order…