Sherry Cream Brussels Sprouts with Bacon

A friend of mine made these brussels sprouts for a Friendsgiving dinner one year. The combination of sherry, cream, bacon, and mushrooms made a richly nuanced sauce that was wonderful on the brussels sprouts (but would also be good on pretty much anything). I forced him to teach me how to make this brussels sprouts…

XO Sauce Shredded Brussels Sprouts

XO sauce is a magical ingredient. Its primary components are dried scallops and chili peppers, so it adds great umami and a little bit of spice to your dish. Combined with honey, you get a wonderful sweet savory spicy mix. These shredded Brussels sprouts soak up the flavor and have great texture. I’ve seen XO…

Brussels Sprouts Salad

Brussels sprouts have become so trendy that it seems like every restaurant has them on the menu, usually roasted and often with some sort of sweet glaze like balsamic or maple. But I never saw them raw, and began to wonder if you could serve them that way. They do after all resemble tiny cabbages….