Drago Centro Restaurant Review

Gold Dig #61 Drago Centro is an Italian restaurant located downtown in City National Plaza. On Jonathan Gold’s 101 Best Restaurants list, he calls it one of “the most commanding restaurants downtown”. The large, glassed-in dining room has a high arched ceiling, an impressive tower of wines behind the bar, and a great view of…

Crab Dip

It seems like the only time crab dip is served is at football parties. Don’t get me wrong – I love football and I love crab dip, so I’m not complaining. But crab dip is a wonderful thing. Perhaps I will try to start a movement – make crab dip your every day dip! Hmmm……

Crab in Black Bean Sauce

Whenever my grandma made this dish, we called it Lobster Sauce. Which is something of a misnomer because it is actually a pork-based sauce that the seafood is cooked in. And the seafood she used was rarely lobster – usually shrimp or crab. I’m sure there was something lost in translation. Whatever you want to…