Jalapeno Cilantro Yogurt Dip

I needed to throw together a quick appetizer for a party, so I rummaged through the fridge and found Asiago cheese, yogurt, cilantro, and a jalapeno that I needed to use up. Looked like the makings of a pretty good vegetable dip. Brought it to the party and it was a hit… both as a…

Heart of Palm Salad with Cranberry Molasses Dressing

Mission: Molasses continues. I was recently visiting my uncle’s Hawaiian farm and mentioned that I love heart of palm. He said it just so happened he needed to clear out a couple palm trees, and proceeded to harvest me some fresh heart of palm! While I was sad to learn that the only way to…

Hummus Honey Salad Dressing

I was at a friend’s for dinner and she made a salad with a really tasty dressing. When I asked her about the dressing, she said it was mostly hummus with a little honey, apple cider vinegar, and some other seasonings. I kept thinking about that dressing for weeks after the dinner, so decided I…

Veggie Bowl with Apple Carrot Dressing

In the last couple years, it seems like “Assemble Your Own Bowl” places have popped up everywhere. It got me thinking that I could buy my own favorite ingredients, whip up a tasty sauce/dressing, and for the price of one restaurant bowl have a large enough quantity to share with friends. My friends immediately declared…

Pasta Salad

This pasta salad is the ultimate Guessipe, because you can mix and match ingredients and dressing in any way you like. I love it for using up leftovers to quickly and conveniently toss together a tasty dish that works as a side or main dish depending on how hearty you want to make it. Guessipe…

Lemon Dressing

Continuing with my COVID-19 lemon series we have Lemon Dressing! Because you have to have a side dish to go with your lemon chicken, why not whip up a salad with lemon dressing? It’s easy, refreshingly tasty, and versatile – use it on whatever salad fixings you have around. Guessipe 1 TBSP lemon juice 1…

Butter Lettuce Swiss Salad

When I was little my mom would make this butter lettuce salad once in a very long while. It always tasted so good, looked so beautiful, and felt so special – perhaps because each person’s salad was arranged on its own plate, rather than a big salad being assembled in a serving bowl and then…

Caesar Salad

“Best Caesar Salad I’ve ever had in my life” – according to my friend who thinks Caesar Salad is the epitome of all salads. He also thinks he hates mustard, so I waited until after he was done eating his second bowl before I told him the dressing definitely contains mustard. Despite that, he keeps…

Japanese Restaurant Dressing

You know that salad you get at the start of a meal at so many Japanese restaurants? And somehow they all seem to have the same dressing (which I’m not complaining about, because it’s sweet gingery deliciousnous)? Well, I always enjoy that salad, and found myself wondering why I couldn’t have it more often. So…

Honey Lime Yogurt Dressing

A friend of mine recommended a restaurant to me, raving in particular about a salad she had with an incredible yogurt dressing. I was skeptical that said salad could really have been the star of the show, but the rest of the food she described also sounded quite good, so I decided to give the…

Avocado Dressing

Avocado is a wonderful fruit that should have many more uses than guacamole and avocado toast. Its natural creaminess lends itself very nicely to making a delicious creamy salad dressing, with the healthy fat! Guessipe 1 avocado 1 bunch cilantro juice from 1 lemon 3 TBSP honey 1/4 cup cane vinegar salt and pepper to…


One of the things I like best about eating at Argentinean restaurants has always been the chimichurri. Instead of butter or olive oil, chimichurri is usually served with the bread as you wait for your meal to arrive. And once the grilled meats appear (which is usually what you’d be eating at an Argentinean place),…