Berry Cobbler Ice Cream

I’ve been trying to come up with shortcut mix-ins for the fun ice cream flavors I crave, because it’s a lot of work to have to make mix-ins in advance of making the actual ice cream. I thought plain old saltine pieces might work as a cobbler mix-in, and I was right. Combine that with…

Loquat Jam

It’s loquat season and trees in my neighborhood are loaded down with fruit. Most people seem to have the trees for decorative purposes and don’t realize that loquats are fantastic eating… which means I luck into an abundance of loquats! A friend of mine has a loquat tree in her backyard and has been making…

Butter Lettuce Swiss Salad

When I was little my mom would make this butter lettuce salad once in a very long while. It always tasted so good, looked so beautiful, and felt so special – perhaps because each person’s salad was arranged on its own plate, rather than a big salad being assembled in a serving bowl and then…