Mushroom Leek Pie

I had such good results with the Yam Beef Biscuit Pot Pie and still had more canned biscuits to use up, so I decided another biscuit pot pie was in order… this time with mushrooms and leeks. I guess it’s a testament to the success of this Mushroom Leek Pie that after eating it my…

Caesar Salad

“Best Caesar Salad I’ve ever had in my life” – according to my friend who thinks Caesar Salad is the epitome of all salads. He also thinks he hates mustard, so I waited until after he was done eating his second bowl before I told him the dressing definitely contains mustard. Despite that, he keeps…

Asian Slaw

This is a super easy slaw with an Asian slant that I like to whip together especially during the summer. Works great as a sandwich topping, or a side salad. Guessipe 1 head Napa cabbage, thinly sliced salt and pepper to taste DRESSING 3 TBSP miso 3 TBSP honey 1 TBSP Dijon mustard 5 TBSP…

Miso-Mustard Dressing

Cookbook Club – Salt Fat Acid Heat For September’s Cookbook Club, we used Salt Fat Acid Heat by Samin Nosrat. I’d call it more of a book about cooking than a cookbook… you don’t actually get to the recipes until the second half of the book, but the first half is full of information essential…

Green Bean Salad

It’s summertime, when I like a cool veggie side, but want something more substantial than a leafy salad. This green bean salad fits the bill, with lots of crunch from the beans, the nuttiness of toasted almonds, and egg for more substance. The dressing completes this simple tangy dish. Great for bringing to a summer…

Mustard Batons

Cookbook Club – For February’s Cookbook Club, we used a blog instead of a cookbook – I made the Mustard Batons. You can check out our whole Dorie dinner on my Cookbook Club site. For now – my dish! I had an event to go to before the Cookbook Club party, so I will…

Peach Ribs

My mom would make these peach ribs. I loved how they were sweet from the peaches and a little tangy. I never enjoyed drinking peach nectar as I found it too think for my liking, but it is great for cooking this dish. Guessipe 4 lbs pork spareribs, cut into individual ribs Salt to taste…

Sesame Snow Pea Salad

Often snow peas come pre-packaged in a one-pound bag, so when I buy them to use in my Creamy Pea Salad (go here for the Guessipe), I end up with quite a lot leftover. I was looking for something other than stir-fry to do with them, and came up with a sesame salad that makes…

Crab Dip

It seems like the only time crab dip is served is at football parties. Don’t get me wrong – I love football and I love crab dip, so I’m not complaining. But crab dip is a wonderful thing. Perhaps I will try to start a movement – make crab dip your every day dip! Hmmm……

Deviled Eggs

My uncle makes these deviled eggs with bacon and cheddar cheese. They are fantastic. I’ve added a bit of Sriracha, which gives them an extra little kick. The deviled eggs are a hit at parties. People are always asking what’s in them. So here it is. Guessipe 12 eggs, boiled and peeled 1/2 cup mayonnaise…