Summer Squash Casserole

I had a huge bag of shredded provolone from my cheese guy. Combined with summer squash and topped with panko for some nice crunch, my boyfriend devoured more than half of this casserole in one sitting. A double win because it’s very easy to make! Guessipe Mix together the eggs, yogurt, provolone, onion salt, oregano,…

Jalapeno Cilantro Yogurt Dip

I needed to throw together a quick appetizer for a party, so I rummaged through the fridge and found Asiago cheese, yogurt, cilantro, and a jalapeno that I needed to use up. Looked like the makings of a pretty good vegetable dip. Brought it to the party and it was a hit… both as a…

Pizza Sauce

My boyfriend is obsessed with pizza. I got him a pizza stone for Christmas one year, and he has been steadily honing his pizza-making skills by throwing regular pizza parties. My role is to make the pizza sauce. This recipe was one from a friend which I have tweaked to give it a bit more…

Artichoke Dip Omelette

One day I was eating artichoke dip and had the inspiration that I could use the leftovers to make a kick-ass omelette. Silly me – there were no leftovers. For a long time I kept waiting for the day when I would actually have leftover artichoke dip… and then it finally occurred to me that…