Orange Blueberry Cake

My friends gave me a ton of oranges from their tree. When we couldn’t bear the thought of eating another orange, I had a thought – if lemon cake is good, why not orange cake? I also had some blueberries from the local community garden. My first Orange Blueberry Cake was entirely consumed in one…

Orange Creamsicle Ice Cream

I got an ice cream maker for Christmas! With the crazy egg shortage that’s been happening, eggs are stupid expensive… so I’ve been experimenting for the last several months with Philadelphia style ice cream – no eggs required! It’s taken a bit of trial and error getting to know ice cream-making, but after much tinkering…

Orange Creamsicle Ricotta Mousse

My boyfriend loves orange creamsicles, so I decided to try making Orange Creamsicle Ricotta Mousse. When you have super high quality ricotta, it’s really easy to make delicious things. It only involved a few ingredients, but my boyfriend and dinner guests were very impressed by this fancy-seeming dessert. Guessipe 4 cups ricotta, drained over a…

Orange Chicken Sauce

The only time I’ve had Orange Chicken is in those Americanized Chinese restaurants you often find in mall food courts, but I have to admit there’s a time and place where “Chinese” fast food hits the spot. Occasionally I get that craving, and I’ve found it’s easy enough to make Orange Chicken sauce at home….