Parmesan Fried Eggs

Ever buy a nice chunk of Parmesan to grate over a pasta dish, and then wonder what you could do with the remainder? Use it to make this awesome Parmesan fried eggs breakfast, which will feel and sound fancy if you’re making brunch for someone, but is actually so easy to make that you could…

Greek Salad

I like a Greek Salad because it’s got great crunch and body, but also feels hearty, probably because of the feta. It’s easy to throw together, and keeps well as it’s another one of those salads with no lettuce to get soggy in the dressing. You can use whatever kinds of cucumbers and tomatoes you…

Spicy Sausage & Mushroom Tomato Sauce Pasta

I adored this spicy sausage and mushroom tomato sauce pasta when I was a kid. My mom always made it with spaghetti noodles, and half the fun was watching my brother eat it. He would suck each individual noodle through his lips, and then eat the sausage and mushrooms later. By the end of the…


One of the things I like best about eating at Argentinean restaurants has always been the chimichurri. Instead of butter or olive oil, chimichurri is usually served with the bread as you wait for your meal to arrive. And once the grilled meats appear (which is usually what you’d be eating at an Argentinean place),…