Mushroom Garlic Pasta

If you love garlic like I do, then this is a simple pasta dish that focuses on the wonderful garlic flavor, with mushrooms to add some extra umami. You can use whatever kind of pasta you want. Guessipe 1 lb pasta 1/4 cup olive oil 10 cloves garlic, sliced 8 oz mushrooms, sliced 1/2 cup…

Spinach Artichoke Dip

People go crazy for this dip at parties. So good with tortilla chips, pita chips, bread, vegetables, or just to spoon straight into your mouth as some of my friends do! Guessipe 8 oz cream cheese, softened 1/4 cup sour cream 1/4 cup mayo 4 garlic cloves, minced 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1/4…

Caesar Salad

“Best Caesar Salad I’ve ever had in my life” – according to my friend who thinks Caesar Salad is the epitome of all salads. He also thinks he hates mustard, so I waited until after he was done eating his second bowl before I told him the dressing definitely contains mustard. Despite that, he keeps…

Crispy Harissa Chickpea Caesar Salad

Cookbook Club – Casablanca: My Moroccan Food To kick off Cookbook Club in 2020, we used Nargisse Benkabbou’s Casablanca: My Moroccan Food. The book was a bit hard to find, but luckily Benkabbou also has a website where she posts recipes which we also used. To experience our whole Moroccan meal, go to my…

Creamy Cheesy Cabbage

When I first met my boyfriend, I would joke that he’s the only vegetarian in the world who doesn’t like vegetables. I have however been steadily converting him to Team Vegetable, and this Creamy Cheesy Cabbage has definitely been part of the conversion. He’ll keep going back for more, even when there are other options…

Roasted Garlic Lemon Broccoli

This roasted broccoli works really well as an accompaniment to a rich pasta dish, with the lemon giving it a nice brightness. The roasting crisps the garlic and develops some nice crispy bits on the broccoli as well. Guessipe Toss the broccoli with olive oil, salt, pepper, and the minced garlic. Spread on a baking…

Anchovy Olive Almond Pasta

Even if you don’t like anchovies, don’t discount them as a magical ingredient for amping up the flavors of a pasta dish. You can use them in tomato-based sauces, or as I do here simply with garlic and olive oil. You won’t even know they’re there, but they’ll add so much depth to the dish….

Parmesan Fried Eggs

Ever buy a nice chunk of Parmesan to grate over a pasta dish, and then wonder what you could do with the remainder? Use it to make this awesome Parmesan fried eggs breakfast, which will feel and sound fancy if you’re making brunch for someone, but is actually so easy to make that you could…

Creamy Feta Red Pepper Vodka Pasta

Did you know there’s such a thing as creamy feta? I didn’t. But I bought it accidentally once, and have been a fan ever since. I happened to have some creamy feta when I got in the mood for vodka pasta, and decided to see if I could use it instead of cream, which I…

Avocado Pasta

Did you know that Compton used to be a giant avocado grove? I didn’t. My friend lives there, and she has one of the remaining avocado trees. It is the most epic avocado tree I have ever seen. Huge, with giant incredibly delicious avocados to match. Every year around avocado season, I try to make…

Spicy Sausage & Mushroom Tomato Sauce Pasta

I adored this spicy sausage and mushroom tomato sauce pasta when I was a kid. My mom always made it with spaghetti noodles, and half the fun was watching my brother eat it. He would suck each individual noodle through his lips, and then eat the sausage and mushrooms later. By the end of the…

Crab Dip

It seems like the only time crab dip is served is at football parties. Don’t get me wrong – I love football and I love crab dip, so I’m not complaining. But crab dip is a wonderful thing. Perhaps I will try to start a movement – make crab dip your every day dip! Hmmm……