Grown-up Filet-o-Fish

I still had some yellowtail in the freezer from my awesome fishing excursion, and was pondering yummy ways to use it. For some reason I flashed back to when I was a kid on the extremely rare occasions that my parents would take us to McDonald’s. My mom, I guess in an attempt to get…

Japanese Breakfast Bowl

Apparently Japanese Breakfast Bowls are becoming a thing in LA restaurants these days. They’re basically rice, with some fish and some veggies. I love dinner food for breakfast, so I’ve been making something akin to that at home for a long time! My version is super easy because it’s mostly already prepared ingredients from the…

Breakfast Toasts

I am torn about the fact that “Toasts” have become a thing in LA restaurants. On the one hand, I quite enjoy them. On the other hand, I think it’s absurd to pay $12-$15 for what really amounts to a dressed-up bit of something on a slice of bread, especially when that something is often…