Pizza Sauce

My boyfriend is obsessed with pizza. I got him a pizza stone for Christmas one year, and he has been steadily honing his pizza-making skills by throwing regular pizza parties. My role is to make the pizza sauce. This recipe was one from a friend which I have tweaked to give it a bit more…

Pizza Marinara

Cookbook Club – The Elements of Pizza In June, we did a special event in partnership with the LA Bread Bakers, using their outdoor wood-fired pizza oven! We used The Elements of Pizza by Ken Forkish for dough and sauce recipes and topping combos, and also came up with our own pizza creations. Go to…

Pizzana Restaurant Review

Gold Dig #52 Pizzana is the current LA pizza craze. If you go for dinner or during the weekend, it’s an hours long wait. The Sprinkles Cupcakes folks and Chris O’Donnell and his wife have ownership stake in Pizzana. I have to admit that the celebrity involvement and the insane line made me skeptical, but…

Gjelina Restaurant Review

Gold Dig #48 Gjelina is one of the west side spots on Jonathan Gold’s 101 Best Restaurants list. It is one of those super trendy places on Abbot Kinney where pretty and famous people go to see and be seen. At dinner time it gets so loud you can barely carry on a conversation, and…

Crawfish at the Cabin

My Swedish friends invited me up to their cabin for a Kraftskiva celebration. What, you may be wondering, is Kraftskiva? It’s a crawfish party, where everyone wears bibs and silly hats, eats massive amounts of crawfish, and drinks aquavit and beer while singing Swedish drinking songs. So pretty much the BEST PARTY EVER. While the…

Post & Beam Restaurant Review

Gold Dig #45 Post & Beam is the only restaurant on Jonathan Gold’s 101 Best Restaurants list in the Crenshaw District. I find it strange that such a cool, modern restaurant is located in Baldwin Hills Plaza, but at least the mall location means plenty of parking. The inside has a big bar seating area where…

Pizza Party II

Anthony made another batch of his homemade pizza dough and seriously amazing homemade pizza sauce, so it was time for another pizza party (drool over our pizzas from the last party here)! We’re hoping to make this an ongoing regular thing, though this may be the last one for a few months given that we’re…

BBQ Pork Pita Pizza

I put this BBQ Pork Pita Pizza together using leftover bits of this and that rummaged from my fridge. It turned out so good that I have since endeavored to end up with Chinese BBQ pork and pita leftovers whenever possible so that I can whip up this tasty snack. It’s a little spicy and…

Pizza Party

What’s a great way to close out the week? With an impromptu pizza party! And I’m not talking about greasy cardboard boxes delivered to the door. When Colin texted to say he and Anthony had each prepared homemade dough and homemade sauces, of course I was in. The rest of us brought abundant toppings, which…

Wood Oven Pizza

There is a giant wood-fired oven in Westchester that is open to the public for pizza-making on the second Saturday of every month. It’s so hot it only takes about 4 minutes to cook a pizza! People from all over come together for this amazing community cooking event. Everyone brings home-made dough, sauces, and toppings…