Crawfish at the Cabin

My Swedish friends invited me up to their cabin for a Kraftskiva celebration. What, you may be wondering, is Kraftskiva? It’s a crawfish party, where everyone wears bibs and silly hats, eats massive amounts of crawfish, and drinks aquavit and beer while singing Swedish drinking songs. So pretty much the BEST PARTY EVER. While the…

Pizza Party

What’s a great way to close out the week? With an impromptu pizza party! And I’m not talking about greasy cardboard boxes delivered to the door. When Colin texted to say he and Anthony had each prepared homemade dough and homemade sauces, of course I was in. The rest of us brought abundant toppings, which…

Swedish Chocolate Balls

One of my best friends is Swedish. She taught me how to make these awesome chocolate balls, which are a common Swedish dessert. They have a great texture from the oats, and a flavor from the dark cocoa that makes them rich but not overly sweet. I added a bit of strong coffee, which gives…