Parmesan Thyme Roasted Fennel

After using half of a fennel bulb to make Pasta Bolognese, I had to figure out something to do with the 1 1/2 fennel bulbs I had left. I needed a side dish to accompany my pasta, and roasted fennel seemed like it would go well. Turned out to be a great combo that I…

Mushroom Leek Pie

I had such good results with the Yam Beef Biscuit Pot Pie and still had more canned biscuits to use up, so I decided another biscuit pot pie was in order… this time with mushrooms and leeks. I guess it’s a testament to the success of this Mushroom Leek Pie that after eating it my…

Anchovy Olive Almond Pasta

Even if you don’t like anchovies, don’t discount them as a magical ingredient for amping up the flavors of a pasta dish. You can use them in tomato-based sauces, or as I do here simply with garlic and olive oil. You won’t even know they’re there, but they’ll add so much depth to the dish….

Tomato Tart

My dad grows tomatoes in his garden. If I am lucky enough to see him in late summer, this means I get to go home with a bucket of wonderful vine ripened tomatoes. Which can be used to make this yummy tomato tart. If you’ve never had a tomato tart, think of it sort of…

Roasted Radishes

Awhile ago, I had a roasted vegetable board at one of the many LA restaurants that serve locally sourced, seasonal produce. Most of the veggies were pretty standard for roasting – bell peppers, squash, broccolini. But there was one thing on the board that it took me a minute to figure out. Turns out it…