Do Chua Salad

Cookbook Club – Appetites: A Cookbook This year we lost a titan of the food world, so in Anthony Bourdain’s memory we used his Appetites: A Cookbook for our October Cookbook Club. Anthony Bourdain captivated so many people with his fearless travels, so it’s no surprise that this book of his personal favorites includes recipes…

Garlic & Chives Restaurant Review

Gold Dig #62 There are typically a handful of Orange County spots that make Jonathan Gold’s 101 Best Restaurants list, and Garlic and Chives is one of them. There is always some debate among followers of Jonathan Gold about whether or not he should be including these restaurants on his list, as the OC is…

3.14 Pi(e) Day II

March 14 was almost upon us, and since last year’s Pi(e) Day party was such a raging success, I decided to rally the troops for another celebration of my favorite food. My fellow pie fanatics answered the call, helping me to celebrate what is fast becoming my favorite holiday of the year. Rules were the…

Eat-Olympics 2018

This year was the 2018 Winter Olympics. The Olympics is a competition all about bringing people from around the world together. And what better way to bring people together and celebrate diverse cultures than through the window of food? So we had a party to watch the opening ceremony, and everyone brought food from a…

Little Sister Restaurant Review

Gold Dig #51 Little Sister is one of the few south bay establishments to make Jonathan Gold’s 101 Best Restaurants list. It is on one of the main Manhattan Beach streets filled with beachy chic spots overlooking the ocean and catering to crowds of relaxed, sun-kissed folks who all look like they’ve just come from…

What Happens in Vegas

Well in my case, what happens in Vegas is something I am posting for the whole world to read about. Vegas has become a city not just of absurdly decadent buffets and outsized eating experiences often attached to celebrity chefs, but a true food destination with stellar eating experiences on and off the strip. Those…

Cassia Restaurant Review

Gold Dig #34 Cassia is one of the few Santa Monica spots on Jonathan Gold’s 101 Best Restaurants list. I’ve been pretty excited that one of the most talked about hot LA restaurants in the last couple years is in my backyard. Every time I pass by, I see a lot of happy-looking people eating and drinking…

Vietnamese Spring Rolls

Whenever I go out for Vietnamese food, I like to start my meal with Vietnamese Spring Rolls. They are fresh and crunchy, and a great vehicle for yummy dipping sauce. I learned from a Vietnamese friend that they’re actually pretty straightforward to make. The hardest part is getting the hang of working with the moistened…