Summer Squash Casserole

I had a huge bag of shredded provolone from my cheese guy. Combined with summer squash and topped with panko for some nice crunch, my boyfriend devoured more than half of this casserole in one sitting. A double win because it’s very easy to make! Guessipe Mix together the eggs, yogurt, provolone, onion salt, oregano,…

Warm Cabbage Salad

We tried a new restaurant for my birthday, and the best thing we had was a Warm Cabbage Salad which consisted of a roasted napa cabbage steak topped with green goddess dressing, parmesan, and crispy anchovies. I have been thinking about that salad ever since, so finally decided to try re-creating it at home. My…

Jalapeno Cilantro Yogurt Dip

I needed to throw together a quick appetizer for a party, so I rummaged through the fridge and found Asiago cheese, yogurt, cilantro, and a jalapeno that I needed to use up. Looked like the makings of a pretty good vegetable dip. Brought it to the party and it was a hit… both as a…

Peach Blueberry Yogurt Cake

Still had some not-quite-peak-season peaches, as well as some blueberries that were a bit on the tart side. I thought baking them into a cake might be nice, and it was! I liked the aesthetic of the white and yellow peaches too. Guessipe 4 TBSP butter, softened 1 cup + 2 tsp sugar 2 eggs…

Fried Heirloom Tomato Salad

More fun with heirloom tomatoes! Hearty enough to fry into a tasty topper for a bed of arugula. Drizzled with a creamy balsamic dressing, this made for a salad so good that my boyfriend (who’s preference is pretty much an all-carb diet) chose it over gnocchi. Guessipe 1/4 cup parmesan 1/8 cup cornmeal 1/8 cup…

Roasted Spiced Carrots with Molasses Yogurt Dressing

I couldn’t stop thinking about the molasses yogurt dressing in my Harissa Roasted Broccoli with Molasses Yogurt Dressing. I decided it would also be good over carrots roasted with turmeric, cumin, and coriander. I managed to get 2 pieces before my boyfriend gobbled up the rest. Guessipe 1 lb carrots, halved lengthwise 3 TBSP olive…

Harissa Roasted Broccoli with Molasses Yogurt Dressing

Still on Mission: Molasses. This time I had the idea that a smoky sweet yogurt dressing would be a great complement to spicy roasted broccoli. It turned out even better than I’d hoped. My boyfriend said, “I would eat this over pizza, and I don’t even like broccoli”. Guessipe 1 head of broccoli, cut into…

Candied Kumquat Cremeux

I occasionally get a load of kumquats from a neighbor and enjoy just popping them whole into my mouth as a snack. But one day shortly after receiving a bag of kumquats, I needed to make a dessert for a dinner party. Hunting around in the fridge, I came upon the kumquats and some heavy…

Honeyed Persimmon Cake Topping

Whenever cake comes with the typical sugary frosting on top, I do my best to scrape off as much of the frosting as I can. It’s just too sweet for me and doesn’t have any other flavor. But did you know that you can use a simple mixture of Greek yogurt and honey to make…

Key Lime Pie Parfait

I got an impromptu invite to dinner at a friend’s place and needed to throw together a dessert quickly and with whatever I had in the house. This came out tasting just like key lime pie in a cup. This was such a hit and so fast to make that Key Lime Pie Parfait has…

Caesar Salad

“Best Caesar Salad I’ve ever had in my life” – according to my friend who thinks Caesar Salad is the epitome of all salads. He also thinks he hates mustard, so I waited until after he was done eating his second bowl before I told him the dressing definitely contains mustard. Despite that, he keeps…

Crispy Harissa Chickpea Caesar Salad

Cookbook Club – Casablanca: My Moroccan Food To kick off Cookbook Club in 2020, we used Nargisse Benkabbou’s Casablanca: My Moroccan Food. The book was a bit hard to find, but luckily Benkabbou also has a website where she posts recipes which we also used. To experience our whole Moroccan meal, go to my…