Creamy Roasted Garlic and Zucchini Pasta

I bought garlic at the grocery store, only to discover I already had several heads of garlic at home. I roasted some to make Japanese egg salad, but figured I’d throw in a couple extra heads since I’d already have the air fryer going and I had plenty of garlic to spare. Needing to figure…

Summer Squash Casserole

I had a huge bag of shredded provolone from my cheese guy. Combined with summer squash and topped with panko for some nice crunch, my boyfriend devoured more than half of this casserole in one sitting. A double win because it’s very easy to make! Guessipe Mix together the eggs, yogurt, provolone, onion salt, oregano,…

Caramelized Zucchini and Onion Pasta

It’s summer squash season, and the abundance of zucchini everywhere got me thinking that it might be good caramelized along with onions. The combo of caramelized zucchini and onion came out even better than I expected, making a buttery sweet pasta sauce that I’ll definitely be making again. Guessipe 6 TBSP butter 1 onion, thinly…

Air-Fried Parmesan Zucchini Sticks

I have a friend who works for a cheese company (I know, lucky me!). He came over for a dinner party one day and left me with a huge amount of fantastic parmesan cheese. I figured I better find ways to use it before it went bad. Not a bad problem to have, right? I…

Zucchini Stir-Fry with Ground Pork

Zucchini is awesome for stir-fry because it soaks up the flavors of the sauces so well. In this case I just use a handful of sauces and seasonings that I always have on hand. Great for when you need a quick but satisfying weeknight meal. Guessipe olive oil for stir-frying 5 cloves garlic, minced 1…