Tea Time

Coincidentally, a week after we did our Alice’s Tea Cup Cookbook Club (check it out here), I was invited to another tea party. One can never have too many tea parties in my opinion.

We had an adorable tea table filled with snacks – kale and peach salad, crudités and hummus, cumin carrot tea sandwiches, toast triangles with cheese and salami, grapes, and pastries from Porto’s Bakery. The lovely tea sets, big and small, made me feel just like Alice.

Tea Party spread

Since I’d just become quite familiar with the Alice’s Tea Cup cookbook, this was a great opportunity to try out another of the recipes. I made the Cumin Carrot Tea Sandwiches.

Tea Party food

These were extremely easy. The hardest part was cutting the carrots into thin slices. I’m always afraid I’m going to slice off a knuckle with the mandoline. Once sliced, I added cumin, oil, salt, and pepper.

Tea Party cumin carrot tea sandwiches

I spread them evenly on the baking sheet and roasted for 12 minutes.

Tea Party cumin carrot tea sandwiches

I cheated a bit with the assembly of the sandwiches. The bread is homemade, but not by me. The cookbook has a recipe for making your own olive tapenade, but I happened to have a jar so I used it. I spread one slice of my friend’s homemade bread with olive tapenade. Then neatly piled a stack of carrots. The top slice was supposed to have goat cheese spread, but my friend who was throwing the tea party is lactose intolerant, so I substituted with mayonnaise.

The lovely tea sets, big and small, made me feel just like Alice.

So simple and everyone liked them.

Tea Party cumin carrot tea sandwiches

Here’s to my second super cute tea party in as many weeks – pinkies up everyone!

Tea Party pinkies out

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