Treehouse Tastes

If you’ve never stayed in a treehouse, you should do it. Especially if you can go with someone who wants to cook for you! We had six lovely ladies on this weekend getaway, but Zakiya planned and prepared enough awesome home-cooked food for a small army. It also just so happened that the treehouse was located in Julian, a town known for its apple pie. Nature, absurd amounts of home-cooking, and pie – if you know me at all, you know that this sounds like my idea of a perfect weekend in the making.

Day 1

We arrived in the evening, just in time for a dinner of nachos – tortilla chips topped with melted cheese, beans, ground turkey, and pico de gallo.

Treehouse Tastes nachos

Day 2

We started the day with a visit to town. Julian is filled with one after another of adorable bakeries and diners that exude small-town mountain charm and sweet smells. It was difficult to choose, but we eventually decided to brunch at the Candied Apple Pastry Company. It was a good choice. The French toast was fluffy, and the cinnamon-y filling in the apple raisin walnut one was particularly yummy. The turkey tapenade panini used a killer house-made artichoke tapenade. All the baked goods looked incredible, so we also bought some bread and sweets for later.

Treehouse Tastes Candied Apple Pastry Co strawberry bourbon French toast
Strawberry Bourbon French Toast
Treehouse Tastes Candied Apple Pastry Co apple raisin walnut French toast
Apple Raisin Walnut French Toast
Treehouse Tastes Candied Apple Pastry Co 3 cheese panini
Artisan Three Cheese Panini
Treehouse Tastes Candied Apple Pastry Co turkey tapenade panini
Turkey Tapenade Panini

Just in case anyone might have gotten hungry or thirsty between meals, we set up a bar and snack station at the treehouse. Check out the pretty colored sugars Toya made!

Treehouse Tastes bar and snacks

What did my mom tell me about not eating before swimming? Better just head back for dinner.

Treehouse Tastes swimming hole

Dinner was baked chicken two ways, and turkey sandwiches with house-made coleslaw from the Candied Apple Pastry Company on Hawaiian sweet bread.

Treehouse Tastes baked chicken 2 ways

Treehouse Tastes turkey sandwich

Dessert was the baked goods we’d brought back from the Candied Apple Pastry Company. The lemon curd cheesecake was the universal favorite.

Treehouse Tastes Candied Apple Pastry Co Dutch caramel apple tart
Dutch Caramel Apple Tart
Treehouse Tastes Candied Apple Pastry Co peanut butter chocolate cheesecake
Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheesecake
Treehouse Tastes Candied Apple Pastry Co lemon curd cheesecake
Lemon Curd Cheesecake

And we finished off the night with a champagne toast!

Treehouse Tastes champagne toast

Day 3

We sat down to a civilized breakfast with this gorgeous tablescape and a fantastic view of Lake Cuyamaca from our treehouse window.

Treehouse Tastes champagne brunch tablescape

Treehouse Tastes champagne brunch
Prosecco with Pink Lemonade Ice
Treehouse Tastes tomato herb scramble
Tomato Herb Scramble
Treehouse Tastes bacon
Treehouse Tastes tater tots
Tater Tots
Treehouse Tastes fruit platter
Fruit Platter
Treehouse Tastes cheesy grits
Cheesy Grits
Treehouse Tastes fried chicken
Fried Chicken
Treehouse Tastes breakfast cocktail
Post-Breakfast Cocktail

We took a break from eating to go on a beautiful hike.

Treehouse Tastes hike

All that fresh air and exercise must have done us good, because then we had the inspired idea for Pie Quest!! This was an epic endeavor involving many slices of apple pie, cinnamon ice cream, and online voting. It deserves a post of its own. Intrigued? Go here to follow our whole adventure and find out where to get the best apple pie in Julian.

Pie Quest Mom's spread

Recovering from Pie Quest involved a return to the treehouse for naps, then wine and cheese on the deck.

Treehouse Tastes wine and cheese

Downstairs from the treehouse was this lovely gazebo, where we grilled our final dinner.

Treehouse Tastes gazebo grilling

Treehouse Tastes crab shrimp sausage
Grilled Crab Legs, Shrimp, and Sausage
Treehouse Tastes baked beans
Baked Beans
Treehouse Tastes mac n cheese
Mac n Cheese
Treehouse Tastes potato salad
Potato Salad
Treehouse Tastes green salad
Green Salad with Cucumber, Tomato, Cranberry, Avocado, Walnuts
Treehouse Tastes champagne slushies
Champagne Slushies
Treehouse Tastes cupcakes
Cupcakes – Sweet Potato, Carrot, Red Velvet, 7-Up, Lemon
Treehouse Tastes gazebo meal
Formal Dining at its Best (yes, those might be bathrobes)

Day 4

Breakfast on our last day was crab legs, shrimp, and grits. If only I could eat this for breakfast every day.

Treehouse Tastes crab shrimp grits

The goal was to eat all of the food we’d brought. Mission not accomplished. Not only did we all get doggie bags of leftover fried chicken, mac n cheese, and potato salad, but we also took home portions of grilled chicken and some of the best greens I’ve ever eaten, which Zakiya had made but we ran out of time and space to squeeze into any of the meals.

Treehouse Tastes greens grilled chicken

On the way out, we stopped one more time at the Pie Quest winning bakery to pick up some pie and cider to take home… a perfect finish to a fun and food-filled trip.