Wood Oven Pizza

There is a giant wood-fired oven in Westchester that is open to the public for pizza-making on the second Saturday of every month. It’s so hot it only takes about 4 minutes to cook a pizza!

Wood Oven Pizza

People from all over come together for this amazing community cooking event. Everyone brings home-made dough, sauces, and toppings to share. People also share drinks, salads, and other side dishes.

Wood Oven Pizza making

If you’ve never made pizza before, there are old pros who will show you how to spread the dough and give you ideas for good topping combos.

Wood Oven Pizza making

Colin got fancy and tossed his dough!

Wood Oven Pizza dough toss

The Pizzas

This is just a sampling of some of the amazing pizzas that people made. Once they got going, pizzas were coming out fast and furious, and by the end there were more pizzas littering the table than we could possibly hope to consume.

Wood Oven Pizza
Basil, Mozzarella, Grilled Onion & Garlic
Wood Oven Pizza
Delicata Squash, Red Pepper Hummus
Wood Oven Pizza
Sausage, Mozzarella
Wood Oven Pizza
Butternut Squash, Mushroom, Olive
Wood Oven Pizza
Pesto, Bacon, Mushroom
Wood Oven Pizza
Ricotta, Butternut Squash

I made a white pizza with bacon, garlic, grilled onion, butternut squash, and basil. Really tasty (if I do say so myself). I got the crust nice and thin, though not very round. I like to think of it as rustic 😉

Wood Oven Pizza
Bacon, Butternut Squash White Pizza

Many of the herbs on the pizza were picked straight from the garden on the side of the courtyard, which also was a very pleasant area to sit and enjoy the pizza and company. This is a really fun event that brings all kinds of people together to share in the making and eating of delicious food. I love community cooking and wish I could find out about more opportunities like this one!

Wood Oven Pizza herb garden